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Direct Booking Solutions

The number one tool for Revenue, Marketing and eCommerce teams

Learn how Triptease helps hotel teams - big or small - drive more direct bookings

The number one tool for revenue, marketing and eCommerce teams

Transform hotel challenges
into growth

Increase your direct bookings


Live price and guest data collected from every step of the booking journey is automatically applied to your paid channel bidding strategy to bring the right guests to your website, while personalized website messaging ensures that they convert and advanced data capture increases the power of your CRM.

Display (and automatically adjust) live prices on metasearch and your website so you outsmart OTAs and ensure guests always book direct.

Beat OTA prices automatically


Price Match uses precision discounting to automatically adjust your price on metasearch and the booking engine so you always have the best price direct.

You select which OTAs you’d like to price match and the range of discounts you’re happy to provide. Triptease then automatically applies the right discount to ensure that you only ever reduce your price by the minimum amount needed to win a booking. You stay in full control of your rate strategy, but OTA undercutting is no longer an issue.

Find out who is undercutting you on Metasearch right now →

Take care of rate parity issues


Maintain competitive pricing and build strategies for revenue optimization with full visibility of your direct price vs OTAs for every search - including metasearch prices.

Being in parity can increase conversions rates by up to 34%. The more your direct price is undercut by OTAs, the lower your conversion rate will typically be. On metasearch, having the best rate can triple direct bookings.

Access a fully interactive parity monitoring dashboard and quickly understand your current parity status, worst offending OTAs, urgent issues to fix, parity trends and a heatmap calendar of future dates.

Drive more high value traffic to your website


Bring the right guests to your website by showing the best price across all paid channels.

Paid Search and Metasearch are where guests decide which hotel to book, and what channel to book it on. If you’re not present in these channels, you won’t be up for consideration - but if you’re not bidding intelligently using live price, market and guest data you’ll be wasting money.

Triptease algorithms use 10X more data than other providers, including your hotel’s unique price parity data. We adjust bids metasearch continuously, so that your hotel appears in the right position, for the right guests, at the right time. If you don’t have the best price on metasearch you’ll be paying to send your customer to book with an OTA, so Triptease either removes your hotel from the auction or automatically adjusts your price by just enough to ensure guests click through to your booking engine.

Triptease Paid Search uses price data intelligently too, by highlighting your ‘from’ price directly in your ads. This means potential guests can instantly see if your hotel is within their budget. The result? You don’t pay for clicks from guests who wouldn’t have booked your hotel anyway.

Increase conversions on your website


Build a website that speaks to every guest as an individual, showing them messages, content and offers that will nudge them through the booking process and increase conversions on your website.

Every guest is different, but most hotel websites are the same for all visitors. Great eCommerce websites drive conversions by providing a seamless, personalized website experience - and there’s no reason why hoteliers can’t do the same!

Triptease provides a wide range of message types and formats, which are easily customizable to suit your brand and website design. You can use smart targeting to show the right messages to specific guests at key points in their booking process. Want to show an upgrade offer to a guest that’s been identified as highly likely to book? Looking to increase bookings for last-minute groups in New York on New Year’s Eve? Need to let local business travelers know they can access a special rate? Set those messages live in minutes with Triptease.

Grow your CRM with high quality data


Double the impact of your CRM by automatically capturing detailed guest data from website visitors who have not booked yet.

Right now your CRM is missing out on all the data from customers who have not booked yet. Capture detailed guest information - including lead time, party size and and country data - from website visitors and send segmented lists to your CRM automatically.

Bring back guests who didn’t book


Use automated emails and smart Retargeting ads to bring guests who didn’t book back to your website.

Choosing a hotel is rarely a quick decision for your guests, so it’s likely some will leave your website without booking - but that doesn’t mean you have to lose touch!

Send automated Cart abandonment emails to guests who didn’t complete their booking, and capture the details from customers who saw no availability so you can send an automated email if their room becomes free.

‘Likelihood to convert’ is applied to Retargeting bid strategies, to increase bids for the right guests, while bespoke price data is displayed in Retargeting ads to show your best nightly rate to guests who have not yet run a search, and their unique price and dates to customers who have.


How Triptease works for you

The number one tool for ambitious Revenue, Marketing and eCommerce teams

Beat OTA prices automatically

Beat OTA prices automatically

Price Match uses precision discounting to automatically adjust your price on metasearch and the booking engine so you always have the best price direct.

Maximize direct bookings and RevPAR

Maximize direct bookings and RevPAR

Maintain competitive pricing and build strategies for revenue optimisation with full visibility of your direct price vs OTAs for every search - including metasearch prices.

Have confidence in your OTA partnerships

Have confidence in your OTA partnerships

No more test bookings and guesswork. Identify rate parity trends and hold OTA partners to account with real-time evidence of price undercutting issues.

See Triptease in action
Personalize your marketing with live price, market and guest data

Personalize your marketing with live price, market and guest data

Use data collected from every step of the booking journey to personalize the guest experience. Display (and auto-match) live prices so guests always book direct.

Make your direct channel the only place to book

Make your direct channel the only place to book

Bring the right guests to your website by showing the best price across all paid channels then personalize your website and booking engine based on their interests and behavior.

Double the impact of your CRM and marketing campaigns

Double the impact of your CRM and marketing campaigns

Right now you’re missing out on all the data from customers who have not booked yet. Capture detailed guest information from website visitors and send segmented lists to your CRM automatically.

See Triptease in action
A personalized website to increase conversions and revenue

A personalized website to increase conversions and revenue

Guests expect tailored content and promotions as standard. Use data collected across the booking journey to personalize your website for every visitor and boost conversion rates.

The easy way to do dynamic pricing and promotions

The easy way to do dynamic pricing and promotions

Steal the strategies of the eCommerce giants: Automatically adjust your pricing when you’re being undercut by OTAs and adapt your website messaging easily to highlight offers and promotions.

Recapture lost revenue with automated cart abandonment emails

Recapture lost revenue with automated cart abandonment emails

Send cart abandonment emails automatically when a guest does not complete their booking, or alert a guest who saw no availability if a room becomes available. Get all guest data sent directly to your CRM too!

See Triptease in action

Essential resources for Revenue, Marketing & eCommerce Teams


Download The Hotelier’s Guide to Fixing your Parity

Being in parity can increase hotel conversion rates by up to 34% and on metasearch the impact is even more significant. Triptease data shows that click-through and conversion rates increase by 2.5x when you have the cheapest rate direct.


Dream Inn Santa Cruz: 24% more impressions and 51% increase in ROAS with Price Match

We measure it through our dashboard which we have with Triptease and once a month we have a call with our market manager which is perfect. You need that.


Metasearch findings: When deeper discounts don't win the click

Discover opportunities for precision discounting strategies to drive more direct bookings on Metasearch.


See Triptease in action

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