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[WATCH] Unlocking value from every channel - including the OTAs

Aug 7, 2018 3:45:00 PM

Watch Chief Tease Charlie Osmond and Director of Revenue Maximization Joe Pettigrew get to grips with everything from channel management to wholesale rates.

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We were joined in the office by Joe Pettigrew, Director of Revenue Maximization at Starwood Capital Group in Europe, for a live Q&A about his stellar presentation at the Direct Booking Summit.

Charlie and Joe got to grips with everything from channel management to unpackaged wholesale rates. Watch the recording to learn:

  • How to use data to understand your audience on individual channels
  • Why you need to take a guest-first approach to revenue management
  • How to structure your pricing strategy on a channel-by-channel basis.



Interested in more content like this? Join us at the Direct Booking Summit in Dallas this October - tickets available now!

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