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Metasearch costs are rising - here’s how hoteliers can prepare

Aug 23, 2022 11:00:00 AM

Watch the video to find out how the world of hotel metasearch is changing and what hoteliers can do to prepare.

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Metasearch is fast becoming more crowded and expensive to participate in as travel demand rises and OTAs continue to capitalize on the opportunities. How exactly should hoteliers prepare?

We caught up with Triptease Product Manager, Andrew Williamson, to examine the latest changes in the world of hotel metasearch. Watch the video to find out what’s driving all this fragmentation, what it means for hotels and OTAs alike, and what hoteliers can do to maintain strong metasearch returns.

Don’t have time to watch the video? Here are some highlights:

  • The average number of participants in Google meta auctions has risen 5x in the US market and 3x in the European market over the last two years.
  • The cost per click (CPC) has increased 150% compared to pre-covid levels in the NORAM and EMEA regions.
  • 61% of all direct prices that appear in metasearch are undercut by at least one OTA.
  • Google’s free booking links have increased the number of times the direct price is included in the metasearch results from 20% to 70% in North America.
  • Whereas in 2021 Booking and Expedia had the cheapest earliest price 59% of the time in the US market, this has now dropped to just 28%.
  • It’s critical to reassess your meta budget in line with the rising CPC and increased competition if you want to maintain strong returns on this channel.
  • The ‘set and forget’ approach to metasearch bidding isn't going to cut it anymore - data-led automation is key to ensure you’re bidding smartly and efficiently.


Interested in learning more about how you can drive higher direct booking volumes from metasearch? Download the Ultimate Guide to Hotel Metasearch using the form below.



About The Author

Benjamin is a Product Marketing Executive for Triptease Metasearch. He's passionate about helping hotels leverage technology to maximize their direct booking potential.
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