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[WATCH] How hotels can win on Paid Search in 2022

Jul 21, 2022 3:00:00 PM

Join Erika Mendes, Google Partner Success Manager & Moriah Olschansky, Triptease Product Manager to learn everything hoteliers should know about Paid Search

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Every day there are more than six billion searches made using Google. This makes it the main site for travel searches. With Google Ads - and specifically Search Ads - hoteliers can get their business in front of potential customers and get the right people to their website.

But if you’re new to the world of Paid Search it can be tricky to know where to start, or even why Paid Search Ads matter so much for hotels. That’s why we’ve partnered with Google to provide a webinar that will take you through everything you need to know to get started.

Erika Mendes, Partner Success Manager for Google, and Moriah Olschansky, Triptease Product Manager for Paid Search, will cover:

  • Why Search Ads matter so much for travel
  • A deep dive into the user journey
  • The value of Google Audiences
  • How to make the most of your own data
  • How automation can boost your Paid Search strategy
  • How to ensure that visitors from Paid Search complete their booking on your website
  • Actionable Paid Search best practices from real hotels

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