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Free guide: How Covid-19 is changing hotel user experience design

Jul 5, 2021 10:00:00 AM

Download the guide or join the Masterclass to learn how your mobile and desktop UX need to adapt to changing customer behavior as a result of Covid-19.

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Conversion optimization, user experience, UX design, Mobile

Pent up demand for travel bookings is at an all-time high, but Covid-19 is continuing to drive fundamental changes in user behavior. That means now is a crucial time to learn what's new and adapt your mobile and website UX to guide every customer seamlessly to make their booking.

To help put hoteliers ahead of the curve when it comes to building a user experience that converts, you can now download our two-part guide to user experience (UX) design for hotels - and join us at the accompanying webinar on July 13th and 14th.

Download the free guide to hotel website UX design

UX guide image


Download part one to learn:

  • The challenges of building a successful hotel booking journey online
  • The basics of creating a great mobile and desktop experience for customers
  • The seven key pillars of UX design.
  • The seven newly emerging customer behaviors on the path to purchase
  • How your mobile and desktop UX will need to adapt to capture the bounce back in bookings
  • The expert tips and tricks that will make good UX truly great.


Download the Hotelier's Guide to Hotel Website UX Design now -->




About The Author

Holly is Head of Product Marketing at Triptease.
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