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On-site Price Match

Auto-match OTA prices on your booking engine

Fix bad parity the moment it happens — automatically.

Win back price-sensitive guests


Hotels are seeing a 16% conversion rate when Price Match is shown.

Automated price matching that you control


Select which OTAs to price match and set your discount range. Triptease will apply the minimum discount needed to secure the booking. 

Small discounts, big wins


The end of blanket discounts. Data shows that the direct price only needs to match or be slightly cheaper than an OTA to win the guest.

Modernise your parity management


Address undercuts in real-time. Stop wasting time chasing and scolding OTAs for cheating on your rates. Auto-fix parity for good.


Price Match changed the Metasearch Game. Now it’s coming to your website

Hear how Dream Inn Santa Cruz used Price Match on Metasearch to stop OTAs from undercutting them, driving a 19% increase in Metasearch bookings. 

See Triptease in action

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