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On-demand webinar

The 20-minute masterclass: fix OTA undercuts for good

This event occurred on Wednesday, September 11, 2024

Your guests are booking through OTAs because they’re getting a better deal. Every time that happens, you lose direct revenue, and the OTAs gain bookings that should have been yours. But what if you could automatically match those OTA rates on your booking engine without impacting your profitability? Discover how to beat the major OTAs at their own game and increase direct bookings with automated price-matching tactics. 

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What you'll learn

You know OTAs are costing you revenue, but despite these losses, there’s an easy fix. Join Triptease co-founder Alasdair Snow, Staff Product Designer Chimmy Kalu to learn how to outsmart OTAs and boost direct bookings with precision price-matching strategies.

This webinar is designed for hoteliers ready to take control and secure more direct bookings.

Get ready for:

  • The hidden truth behind OTA undercuts: Learn how you only need to be a few dollars cheaper to win the direct booking.
  • Guarantee best prices: See how Triptease auto-matches OTA rates instantly.
  • Get expert answers: Have your questions answered by product specialists, Al and Chimmy.

Our panel:

Headshot, Genevieve

Alasdair Snow

Co-Founder and Chief Product Officer, Triptease

Started the company over a decade ago. Responsible for setting the over-arching vision, strategy and direction for Tripease that’s responsible for improving direct booking strategies for thousands of hotels.

Chimmy Kalu

Chimmy Kalu

Staff Product Designer, Triptease

Over ten years experience in User Experience with brands like British Airways, Vogue and GQ. Now responsible for delivering scalable products that grow hoteliers’ share of direct revenue.

Why should you watch?

  1. Rate Disparity Challenge:
    Rate disparity between hotel websites and OTAs (such as creates administrative hurdles for revenue managers. Consistently maintaining rate parity is difficult due to the time and resources required for monitoring multiple distribution partners.

  2. Consumer Demand and Online Research:
    Despite economic fluctuations, consumer demand for vacations remains strong. Online research plays a crucial role in making informed financial decisions.

  3. Resource-Heavy Price Matching:
    Price matching is currently manual work, often handled by front desk staff. Hilton, for instance, asks guests to submit forms, leading to delays in direct bookings and increased OTA bookings.

  4. Triptease’s Solution:
    Triptease’s price-matching technology bridges the gap, ensuring hotels offer the best price. A controlled test revealed that guests are 6x more likely to convert when presented with the best price

Who is this webinar for?

  • Hotel Marketing Managers
  • Revenue Managers
  • General Managers
  • Distribution Specialists
  • Anyone involved in hotel pricing and booking strategies

Frequently asked questions

How will On-Site Price Match benefit my hotel specifically?

Avoid offering blanket discounts and protect your ADR by using precision discounting. You decide which OTAs to Price Match as well as how much to discount your price by.

Is this tool compatible with my current property management system?

We integrate with leading and custom booking engines.

Will there be a live Q&A session during the webinar?

Yes! Don't let OTAs control your pricing any longer. Join us to discover how On-Site Price Match can transform your direct booking strategy. Register now!


Access on-demand to find out more!

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