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Price Match on Metasearch

Automatically detect when an OTA is undercutting you and dynamically adjust your direct price by ‘just enough’ so you win the direct booking.

Optimize your metasearch pricing with precision discounting


Hotels are undercut more than 50% of the time on metasearch, with three-quarters of those undercuts being less than 5% cheaper than your direct price. That's why a tiny discount can go a long way to increase your direct bookings.

Automation that's under your control


You decide which OTAs to Price Match as well as how much to discount your price by. Triptease will only ever price match your selected OTAs with your pre-set discount options.

Consistent price matching on metasearch and your booking engine


Triptease offers the only full funnel solution that matches prices on both metasearch and your booking engine.

Cut OTA commission


As long as the discount you offer is less than what you pay in OTA commissions, you’ll be making more money.


Tired of OTAs dominating the metasearch landscape?

Hear how Dream Inn Santa Cruz used Price Match on Metasearch to stop OTAs from undercutting them, driving a 19% increase in Metasearch bookings.

Essential resources for Revenue, Marketing & eCommerce Teams


Download The Hotelier’s Guide to Fixing your Parity

Being in parity can increase hotel conversion rates by up to 34% and on metasearch the impact is even more significant. Triptease data shows that click-through and conversion rates increase by 2.5x when you have the cheapest rate direct.


Dream Inn Santa Cruz: 24% more impressions and 51% increase in ROAS with Price Match

We measure it through our dashboard which we have with Triptease and once a month we have a call with our market manager which is perfect. You need that.


Metasearch findings: When deeper discounts don't win the click

Discover opportunities for precision discounting strategies to drive more direct bookings on Metasearch.


See Triptease in action

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