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Customer Story

Warwick Hotels sees a +35% increase in revenue from Google Hotel Ads

Metasearch & Distribution
Triptease helped Warwick Hotels and Resorts grow their direct booking revenue from Google Hotel Ads, yielding a +35% increase for their NORAM properties.
The Numbers
Conversions and revenuefor properties in theNORAM region
Total website revenuefrom Google Hotel Ads (May 2022)
Warwick Hotels exterior shot with their logo overlayed
Headquarters North America
Hotel type Warwick Hotels and Resorts represents a collection of over 40 upscale properties spanning five continents. 
“Triptease are a fantastic partner to collaborate with over the years as we have shared the same methodologies from the onset to increase our direct booking market share."

Alan Gonzalez

Group Director of e-Commerce and Distribution



The challenge

Warwick’s previous strategy was delivering low conversions on a costly CPC (cost per click) basis. As a result, they felt they were losing out on a significant amount of direct booking revenue from one of the most important available traffic acquisition channels.


The approach

Warwick wanted a partner who could deliver better performance on a more efficient and flexible billing model,
so Triptease was an obvious choice. The Triptease platform uses customer and price data as well as automation to deliver +105% more revenue from Google Hotel Ads compared to other providers on a flexible CPA (cost per acquisition) basis.

The Triptease platform’s flagship bidding features, Parity Boost and Parity Blackout, ensure you are boosted in the meta auction when you have the best rate and are removed when you’re being significantly undercut. This ensures efficient use of budget as the hotel only appears when it's likely to get a direct booking.

With a flexible billing model on a CPA basis, Warwick Hotels only paid for a guest booking once they'd checked out. This ensured budgets worked harder to increase metasearch performance resulting in more direct revenue.    


The results

Triptease helped transform Warwick’s direct booking ecosystem by giving them increased visibility on Google Hotel Ads, delivering optimized bidding campaigns, and providing a flexible CPA solution that grew their total direct booking revenue from metasearch. With Triptease’s help, Google Hotel Ads currently accounts for 15.62% of Warwick’s total website revenue (May 2022). 

Warwick Hotels and Resort’s Success
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